How to Star / Bookmark Messages in WhatsApp

Bookmark Messages in WhatsApp: WhatsApp has acquainted the new element with bookmark essential messages. Day by day we are getting bunches of messages, some are entertaining and some are truly vital. In short we can state every day we get many sorts of messages. This new component will spare messages. 
Image result for whatsapp
So WhatsApp began a begin highlight to check the imperative messages. As we probably am aware from the gigantic number of messages which we day by day get and send to every individual, looking through the many messages can be an immense and intense . This component was first presented in Mail (Gmail/Yahoo) where you could star any imperative messages to be perused later on or make it less demanding to discover them. 
With the Starred messages include you can star messages as well as star, contacts, address, recordings and photographs also. The element is accessible from WhatsApp renditions 2.12.7 and later in iOS and Android. So on the off chance that you need to get this element ensure you have refreshed to the most recent refresh. 

Step by step instructions to get Bookmark or Star messages in WhatsApp for iPhone: 

  • Dispatch WhatApp application on your iPhone or iOS gadget 
  • Open the Friends talk in which you need to star any message, photograph or video. 
  • Locate the substance which you need to star and Tap and Hold on it 
  • You will get a fly up giving you choices like Star symbol, Copy, Forward and Delete 
  • Tap on the Star symbol and the message will be spared under the featured messages segment 

You can expel a specific message from being featured by taking after similar strides used to star the message – long press the featured message and tap on the star symbol. This will evacuate the message shape being featured. 

Step by step instructions to Access or View the Starred/Bookmarked messages area in WhatsApp for iPhone: 

The messages featured will be spared independently under every beneficiary's profile and not at a solitary place. Go to the beneficiary's profile and open it, you will locate a Starred Messages choice, tap on it and you can see every one of the messages or photographs or recordings featured from the people visit. 

Step by step instructions to Bookmark or Star messages in WhatApp for Android: 

  • Dispatch WhatApp application in your Android gadget 
  • Tap and open the visit in which you need to star any message or photograph or video or contact 
  • Tap and Hold the specific message which you need to bookmark 
  • You will get the star choice on top of the show nearby the erase, duplicate and forward symbols 
  • Tap on the Star symbol and the message will be featured consequently 

To expel messages from the Bookmark or Starred show, you need to tap and hang on the specific message or photograph or video, there will be the star symbol showing up on the highest point of the screen. Tap on the star symbol and you will expel the specific message from Starred rundown. 

The most effective method to get to or View Starred/Bookmarked messages in WhatsApp for Android 

To see the featured messages you need to go to the primary screen in WhatsApp and tap on the three spot symbol on the upper right corner of the screen. From the choices tap on Starred messages. Here you will discover all the featured messages with the beneficiary's name said. 

Wrapped Up 

Here in this post we have learnt to bookmark messages in WhatsApp. So now you can spare your critical messages. As we as of now do this things in our gmail and different messages. So as per me it's a decent components. In the event that you like this article please impart it along to your companions.. Much obliged to you